We are very excited, and relieved to be able to share the news that AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioner's Regulation Agency) have dropped all charges against Gary after 4 1/2 years of us insisting that he had done nothing wrong. No incident of patient harm nor patient complaint having been identified. Not only have they cleared Gary’s name of any wrong-doing, they have even apologised in writing!
This announcement caused quite a stir. Take a look here, here, here and here :-)
We would like to apologise to you
"I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the errors that were made when dealing with this notification. We recognise that these errors are likely to have compounded any distress that you experienced as a result of being the subject of this investigation. We appreciate your cooperation and engagement through the complaint management process, and the reconsideration of the previous decision."
The National Health Practitioner Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner has been reviewing Gary's ruling and investigation process since AHPRA were put on notice during the Senate Inquiry in 2016. His case was referred to the board for reconsideration in June 2018. The outcome was supplied to us yesterday afternoon. "The Board determined it is not sufficient to simply amend the previous decision. The Board therefore repealed the previous decision in its entirety and proceeded to reconsider the notification afresh. This decision is an exercise of the Board's power to correct errors in decision making under clause 23 of Schedule 7 of the National Law."
Further to all this, the wording of the document clearly implies that there is no harm in Gary, nor any other health professional in Australia, recommending Low Carb Healthy Fat principles...
“Moreover, no significant risks to public safety have been identified that require a regulatory response under the National Law. In the case of each of the three issues considered, there is no evidence of any actual harm and nor does the Board discern any particular risk to public health and safety moving forward.
For these reasons, the Board has decided to take no further regulatory action."
Not only has Gary has been a victim of bullying and harassment in the workplace, punished for raising concerns about Quality Assurance and Patient Safety in regards to menus sugary drinks and junk food in hospitals and unfairly targeted for 'Active Defence' by the Cereal Industry (via the Dietitians Association of Australia), but his recommendations around Low Carbohydrate Healthy Fat principles have been ridiculed and 'claimed to be dangerous' by Associations and Regulatory Bodies with ties to the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries!
The continuing misinformation about carbohydrates and Type 2 Diabetes especially, and the repeated #fakenews published about the harms of Low Carb Healthy Fat principles have meant that individuals have been denied access to the latest research and support from health professionals around the world.
Professor Tim Noakes (South Africa), Dr Annika Dahlqvist (Sweden), Caryn Zinn (New Zealand dietitian), Jennifer Elliott (Australian Dietitian - deregistered for advocating Low Carb) and Gary have all subjected to investigations as a result of Dietetic Associations 'Protecting, Influencing, and Actively Defending' the cereal and grain industry and pushing a 'Plant-Based' wholegrain, anti-meat agenda.
It is time to start calling out the Vested Interests and Ideology that continue to shape the dietary and health guidelines. Guidelines that have become strict Rule-Books fiercely protected by Associations with ties to industry. It isn't fair ...
Gary has been interviewed by 2 local newspapers; The Examiner Newspaper Launceston and The Mercury, Rob Fairs at radio station LAFM and made it to the Southern Cross news. Australian Doctor shared the news of AHPRA overturning their decision and the comments have been so supportive of Gary. The last 6 days have been incredibly busy but Gary still managed to find time to do a podcast with Chef Pete Evans, The 2 Keto Dudes and Julie Lambert from Medical Republic. I will add more links as I gather them up.
Thank you for your incredible support over the last couple of years. Gary and I couldn’t have continued this fight without it.
Belinda xx
Breaking News! DAA announce they will sever ALL ties with the food industry from Dec 2018...
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.